Vic Kirkland
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Victor Kirkland

WB看到一組轉湯的 更正一下只是一個大手P的 而且評論的小夥伴表示最近普爺上線了XD「之前看到有荷哥 那個菠蘿頭簡直了」同一組還有親分和意呆 本來以為我英格蘭終於看起來攻一點了 嘛 看到另外兩位之後......呵呵 你們慢攻「揮手」。不造為毛每次看到這張圖總想到Merlin裏面的Arthur 攪得很像King Arthur的黑化病嬌版「被威哥pia飛」然後就有個奇怪的腦洞:33

A Thousand Years

Merlin: Arthur, I have been searching for you, over a thousand years. 
Mr Kirkland: Sorry, Sir, I assume that you mean late King Arthur. My given name is Arthur, but my surname is Kirkland. 
M: So...he is dead...? Well, how did you know that...? 
K: My Brother told me the whole story. 
M: Right, I see... By the way, Mr Kirkland, who are you? 
K: Me...? I am the projection of England; I know almost everything in the human world, like you, the great sorcerer, Merlin. 
M: Hmm...I am not that intelligent. I am merely HIS servant, and I only use magic for HIM. 
K: I see...--You love him, don't you? 
M: Yes, if you insist calling it love. You know, I prefer to deem it as my destiny or mission. 
K: Perhaps I understand you more than anyone do. 
M: With respect, you cannot. I know you have suffered more loss than I could bear, yet he means all to me. 
Staring at Merlin's dissolving image, Arthur Kirkland spoke slowly,'Sorry that I am not him, not even one like him.'


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